Can you imagine a childhood where your caretaker occasionally threatens to kill you? For Michelle Bunt, this was commonplace.

Michelle Bunt is a professional business writer with formal education in helping others gain self-confidence through counseling. Her desire to work with others in their self-confidence stems from her own breakthroughs. Coming from an abusive background, she didn’t start making friends until her early 20’s. This is a story of a girl who went from being deprived of a normal childhood to someone who is making a difference in the lives of those around her.

In this episode

  • Embracing your whole self
  • How to transcend forgiveness
  • Where true self-confidence comes from
  • Why it’s so important to embrace yourself

References (Michelle Bunt’s Website)

@MichelleBunt1 (Twitter)

#64 How Ancient Wisdom Helped Me Break Low Self-Esteem

Samuel Hatton is a fellow seeker of courage & confidence. He works with all types of career professionals & individuals to build confidence, set goals, change habits, and be accountable to their higher self. Full-time, he builds lead generation marketing engines in the IT services industry. Contact Samuel

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