how-to-have-deeper-conversations-courage-courageous-self-confidence-vulnerability-1B6LNEL1Going deeper in a conversation feels scary, but the connection is worth it. The answer to how to have a conversation that goes deeper is vulnerability.

Have you ever had a long conversation with someone, but you didn’t feel any closer to that person than when you first started the conversation? This is usually because there wasn’t a theme of vulnerability – a willingness to put yourself on the line and be humble enough to ask questions.

In this episode


“Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage.” – Brené Brown click to tweet 


Stories of Courage Podcast Series

Getting Naked by Patrick Lencioni (book)

Power of Vulnerability by Dr. Brené Brown (audiobook)

TED Talk – Power of Vulnerability by Dr. Brené Brown

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Samuel Hatton

Samuel Hatton

Samuel Hatton is a multi-talented media creator and an encourager. His mission is to encourage others in who they truly are so that they can have greater capacity to live out their destiny. He does this by producing inspiring content as well as coaching people to take courageous action toward their passions and goals.

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