self-confidence-identify-your-destiny-self-esteem-courageous-habits-1B0B0J9This is Part 5 of a 5 part series called Courageous Habits. This series is not just about learning how to form habits, but it is also about how to form habits that will make the biggest impact toward your greatest dreams and life plans.

Clarity is the best way to help you identify the unique daily behaviors needed to live out your destiny. First you must get clarity on your destiny, then make living your destiny a habit. Your destiny is rooted in purpose, and though purpose is not always clear, you can find purpose in goals, desires, aspirations, etc. You need to get clear on it first, then choose specific steps toward your destiny.

In this episode

  • News about the format of the show
  • How to identify your unique Courageous Habits
  • How to identify specific actions to get your habit routine started

Join Samuel (for free) in creating Courageous Habits


Sign up for the (free) Courageous Habits Plan

If you want to get started in creating courageous habits yourself, join the plan and form habits toward your destiny. You can use the information in this episode or you can use the information from Part 4 of the Courageous Habits series.

Other Courageous Habits Series episodes

Part 1: Why Habits Build Self-Confidence

Part 2: How to Form a Habit

Part 3: Three Tools That Make Habits Easy

Part 4: Universal Courageous Habits


Books referenced:

Do Less Better by John Bell

The Three Laws of Performance by Steve Zaffron

StengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath – Identify your top strengths.

Unique Ability: Creating the Life You Want by Catherine Nomura

External resources referenced:

Wake Up Your Why: Interview with John Bell with Geoff Reese (podcast episode)

Evernote  (website/mobile app) – Take notes and journal.

Tiny Habits (website and program)

Other Courageous Self-Confidence episodes referenced:

Courageous Self-Confidence: How Beliefs Affect Reality

Courageous Self-Confidence: Values Become Destiny

News about the show

We will be going from 3 episodes per week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday to ONE episode per week. It was a tough decision, but it will only make this show better.

Clarity of Vision – Finding Your Unique Courageous Habits

A habit as discussed in Part 2, is made up of a QUE-ROUTINE-REWARD and it is perpetuated by a CRAVING. Getting clear on your vision, goals, purpose, the motivation behind everything you do, will help you identify the CRAVING.

In order to know what your CRAVING is, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What excites you?
  • What gives you energy?
  • What can you only get better at?
  • What do you have superior skill in?

If you can find something that you do that excites you, gives you energy, has capacity for improvement, and you love doing make a goal to increase your talent in it. THIS is your Unique Ability. It’s your gift to the world. Set a goal to improve in that skill, intentionally.

Becoming great at something that you are passionate about should be a destiny on your radar. What is life if you aren’t growing in the things that you do the best?

Another direction that you can take is ask yourself:

  • What do you value?

Check out this previous episode on taking a look at your values to help you envision your dreams.

Clarity of Action – Identifying the Specific Action

The action part of the habit loop is the ROUTINE. In order to get clear on the habit you are trying to develop, you need to identify the specific action that will get the ROUTINE started. This should be a TinyHabit and take only 30 seconds to do.

Let’s say that I want to write each day for at least 10 minutes.

THIS IS NOT a specific action:

“Write every day for 10 minutes.”

THIS IS a specific action:

“When my 12PM alarm goes off, I open Evernote and write one sentence.”

QUE is “When my 12PM alarm goes off”
ROUTINE is “I open Evernote and write one sentence”

Opening Evernote and writing one sentence is the thing that gets the rest of the routine going. After I write one sentence, I will write another. I will keep writing until I have written for at least 10 minutes.

And the great thing about this particular action for myself, is that the environment is already set up. At 12PM each day, I am sitting at my desk in my office, I have writing prompts in Evernote. Learn more about setting up your environment in Part 3 of this series.

Do you want to join my FREE accountability program?

Join the free Courageous Habits plan that I created on the platform.

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Samuel Hatton

Samuel Hatton


Samuel Hatton is the full-time marketing guy at Endsight – San Francisco Bay Area’s premium locally sourced computer technology support. He’s a multi-talented creative, natural encourager, and is full of courageous ideas.

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