courageous-self-confidence-courage-goal-setting-template-self-esteem-1B7PMCU0You can guarantee success in living an incredible life that consistently moves toward greatness. This six-step goal setting template is designed for exactly that.

Every year my wife and I review the year before and plan out the next year. This is our six step process for setting achievable goals for the next year.

I have always had big dreams for my life. It wasn’t until four years ago that I started doing something about it. Before I used to drift through life with little to no intentionality to take steps toward my dreams. This is a process that my wife and I have incorporated into our lives in order to gaurentee that our dreams will come true.

In this episode

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019 Choosing Greatness is a Daily Practice with April Hatton 

027 Why Write Goals 


6 Step Goal Setting Template

This process doesn’t have to be for only a single year. It could be shorter or longer. But one year is a good measurement. You can completely transform your life in just six months, so if you would rather make this for a shorter or longer duration be my guest.

Get your downloadable and printable worksheet template for the six-step process outlined in this audio program now.

May this next year be the best one you have every had! Live an incredible year with intention.

Note: If you have having trouble accessing this resource then please contact me.

Samuel Hatton

Samuel Hatton

Samuel Hatton is a multi-talented media creator and an encourager. His mission is to encourage others in who they truly are so that they can have greater capacity to live out their destiny. He does this by producing inspiring content as well as coaching people to take courageous action toward their passions and goals.

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